Hi, our names are Laetitia and Clémence: we are both passionate about mountaineering and social impact. We are the co-founders of Peaks4All, a recognized public-interest Swiss-based nonprofit.
Peaks4All aims to support the integration of the refugees in Switzerland through mountaineering sports. Sports and physical activity are proven to be a powerful tool for inclusion, human connections, post-traumatic stress relief and promoting good health.
1. We strongly believe that involving our beneficiaries in regular sports & training activities we will be able to :
Help them overcome the stress related to their refugees status
Allow them to feel better, mentally and physically and earn real trust
2. We strongly believe that sport is a strong catalyst for social integration. Through our program, we will create numerous connections :
Amongst the refugees community, creating a helping family spirit
With the Swiss people : volunteers, guides and friends of the association
With the Swiss culture, building a deep understanding of it and increasing their chances to get a job and learn French faster

We strongly believe that sport is a strong catalyst for social integration.
Our Mission
Support the integration of the refugee community in Switzerland through mountaineering sports.

Our Goal
Climb a 4000m Swiss summit every summer. We successfully started with the Bishorn (4151m), that we climbed in August 2022 with a group of 7 refugees.
Propose bi-weekly outdoor & sports activities to our beneficiaries, promote diversity as every levels, motivations and people are welcome at Peaks4All.